Even as you read this, your daily workflow is changing. Now may be a good time to assess how you’ve been doing your research. Two weeks ago, you were sitting at your desk with all of the resources at your fingertips. With the new work-from-home mandates, you will be relying more on the internet, unless you hauled a bunch of books home. The use of “online textbooks” has been constantly increasing, even before COVID-19.

So, how have your habits changed? Do you feel you are more efficient doing the majority of your research online or are you missing the feel of a book in your hands?

In the field of law, research is a constant. Some law schools are completely taking print research out of their curriculum, while many other schools are heavily cutting back. So, why the decline in books?

  • Being online is what younger people know and trust aka “Google generation”
  • Electronic resources have broad coverage and finding tools
  • “Google generation” is comfortable with e-texts
  • The books are not available to you right now!

Currently, law students are doing their research primarily online. Most of the younger lawyers have done it this way since they can remember, so it feels comfortable to them. While there are many pros to this approach there are some drawbacks. So, what are the cons of online research?

  • Print research teaches processes that will later be utilized online
  • Some print research is still relevant in the workplace
  • Print research can provide more context
  • Paying for online resources that you will not use

Print research can be valuable in the field of law. Typically, not the primary research mode, but if applied correctly it can be an important resource. The processes that print research teach can be an extremely valuable asset because these techniques can be applied while researching online.

As you master the daily task of working from home, are newly developed habits going to be permanent?

  • Do you really need all of the resources you have?
  • Do you know what is comparable out there?
  • Are you able to replace any of your resources with less expensive yet effective resources?

Legal Counsel Consulting evaluates legal research contracts and services to assure competitive pricing. If there is any way I can help or if you would like to schedule a brief conversation, please feel free to contact me.

During COVID-19, LexisNexis is offering Law360 for articles related to the Coronavirus and a Lexis Practice Advisor Coronavirus Resource Kit.