Every few years, you will need to address the task of reviewing your legal research contract. Whether you are preparing to renew or looking to gain control of expenses, there are many challenges presented to have a successful negotiation.

I created Legal Research Guide, 21 Questions You Must Answer Before Renewing Your Next Legal Research Contract to help you along with the process and hope you find this valuable in achieving your objectives.

legal research renewal21 Questions You Must Answer Before Renewing Your Next Legal Research Service Contract

This guide will will help you prepare for renewal negotiation so you get the resources your firm needs at the right price. It contains questions to ask yourself, your sales representative, and the attorneys and staff at your firm.

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If you are looking for additional insight specific to your needs or just want to better understand if your costs are in line with the marketplace, feel free to contact me directly. Legal Counsel Consulting works with providers in the legal research industry on a frequent basis and we are familiar with sales strategies.

In fact, we do often find that firms are paying for resources not being used. Given our track record of averaging over 50% in savings for clients, we find that a lot of firms are significantly overpaying for the services they receive.

If you are getting ready to negotiate your legal research contract, please consider your options.

If it makes sense to talk, please click here to view my calendar and choose a convenient time to discuss your specific needs.

Thank you,