Who wins and who loses? Westlaw and Lexis aren’t only fighting against each other, they’re fighting you as well. You’re not alone if you don’t feel like the priority in a transaction. When providers are trying to retain revenue, the options offered to you become limited. The sale can suddenly seem one sided, and not in your favor.

As you shop around at renewal time, it may feel like you hit a wall when it comes to getting what you need at the price point you had in mind.

  • Are you getting caught between a sales rep trying to hit their quota and you getting sound advice without overpaying?
  • Are you getting pressured to “bundle” resources that won’t be used?
  • How do they come up with the annual increases?
  • Do you feel like you’re not getting all the information needed to make the best decision for your firm?

Well, it’s no coincidence you feel this way. This is all done by design. Every proposal, every sales pitch, is geared toward you seeing what they want you to see. You may be thinking, “Well that’s their job, isn’t it?” Yes, it’s their job, but they also like to call themselves “sales consultants”. You can’t have it both ways.

  • How is it consulting if you’re lead down the path of “Buy More Whether You Need It or Not?”
  • What happened to the “Customer Centric” mentality?
  • It seems COVID has taken “pressure sales” to a whole new level.
  • Sales reps are feeling the pinch too, but it shouldn’t be at your expense.

There have also been occasions where a law firm is considering hiring a consultant and was told they wouldn’t get the most competitive rate if a consultant is involved. This is another flawed tactic that is used to try to control the narrative. Let that sink in a bit. What are they really telling you?

As legal research providers are fighting for revenue, how are law firms impacted?

  • “Full transparency” is not always that transparent.
  • Constantly getting upsold.
  • What is the provider willing to do for you to earn your business?
  • Is the customer a pawn in the fight for revenue?

Legal Counsel Consulting has the resources to evaluate contracts and services to assure competitive pricing.

If there is any way I can help or if you would like to schedule a brief conversation, please feel free to contact me.


Free Resources:

During COVID-19, LexisNexis and Thomson Reuters are offering resources related to the Coronavirus.