The billable hour is still most popular for law firms today. So, if competent research is not performed, the bill to your clients can add up quickly. How can you be sure that your law firm is applying proper techniques for legal research and not engaging in non-essential work? When submitting billable hours, the goal is to not write any time off.

With technology on the move, legal research is changing before our eyes. Streamlining research is constantly happening, further eliminating non-essential parts. So, what is helping to purge non-essential research and minimize costs for law firms?

  • Use of more specific keyword searches
  • Reference attorneys (when available)
  • Limit the out-of-plan costs incurred
  • Know what print is available so there is no overlap

With the shift from print resources to online, the field of law is stepping up the pace in the way legal research occurs. Legal research moves with technology as was seen through the ability to mass-produce print resources, then shifting to online databases, and now into whatever technology the future holds.

New and exciting features of legal research providers give us a glimpse at what the future may look like and how it is already being implemented. Through these new technologies we see non-essential work and costs reduced because of efficient researching. One may wonder, where exactly is legal research headed?

  • Artificial Intelligence is the predominant new shift in legal research
  • Analytics and visuals are more readily available due to AI
  • Automation of some research can be done with AI
  • Blogs, social media, and podcasts are great ways to find assistance

But what do you do with all of this information? In other words, if someone else is selecting what is important for you to see, is it everything you need to see? Or too much? The idea of having AI do research will eventually become more efficient. There are already machine-learning systems that can analyze the facts and findings from previous cases. But it’s not always a one-size-fits-all scenario.

With all the changes in technology and more efficient ways to conduct legal research, it really makes you think about how your money is being spent. Is the money you are spending on research meeting your expectations of quality? Are you getting more bang for your buck, or are you throwing money out the window? If you feel that these scenarios describe your situation then it may be time to re-evaluate how your legal research could be done in a way that cuts out the non-essentials.

Legal Counsel Consulting evaluates legal research contracts and services to assure competitive pricing. If there is any way I can help or if you would like to schedule a brief conversation, please feel free to contact me.

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